Episode 85: Purpose driven digital - optimising your web presence with Sepas Seraj, Founder - Pixeled Eggs

“There's something like 7.5 million data centers around the world now, and most of them are still powered by coal and gas. One of the easiest things you can do is move your hosting.”

Welcome back to the second part in our mini-series on ‘greening your marketing activities’ and this episode we explored smarter, greener websites with Sepas Seraj, Founder of Pixeled Eggs.

With the amount of activity that takes place online today purpose-driven digital is a must, and it’s not difficult, in fact, it’s super efficient, usable and can dramatically improve your organisations’ performance - (giving it a ‘digital edge’ as Sepas refers to it) - whilst simultaneously supporting your sustainability agendas now and into the future. 

There is a staggering amount of waste when it comes to websites and many of them are woefully inefficient, yet we can start to make changes immediately, improving performance and reducing negative impact. Sepas shares tools, resources and practical advice in abundance, we can’t recommend this episode enough.

Join us on this episode as we talk to Sepas about:

  • The impact of digital

  • Understanding the opportunities to optimise your website

  • Green hosting, videos, images, page weights and variable fonts

  • Ways you can make your website greener, more efficient and improve its performance

  • The need for more conversations between design teams, developers, Marketers and sustainability teams

  • Sustainability driving improved performance time and time again

  • Best practice, tools and resources

For more information about Pixeled Eggs - visit https://www.pixeledeggs.com/

And to connect with Sepas via LinkedIn - he’s here https://www.linkedin.com/in/sepasseraj/

Another great episode… and still more to follow in this greening your marketing channels mini-series - so stay tuned.


About us…

We help Marketers save the planet. 🌍

Join the Marketers and organisations who have signed our manifesto, engage with our newsletter and training and, work with us to communicate sustainability more effectively. Sign our Sustainable Marketer Manifesto, work with us, and join us on our mission. Get in touch to chat.

You’ll find the Podcast on all the usual pod platforms - and also on The Global Player and via The Marketing Society. If you love it, do share it and spread the word. Talking about climate change and the role we play is one of the most important things we can do. So join the conversation. We’re all in this together.

Our podcasts are recorded purely via online conferencing platforms, we apologise for any minor sound quality issues.


Episode 86: Can ‘Events’ be Sustainable? with Matilda Riley, Sustainability Consultant at From Now


Episode 84: Considering the Carbon Impact of Email Marketing with James Gill, Founder at Ecosend