Certifying as Carbon Literate with The Carbon Literacy Trust

Key learning outcomes:

  • Become carbon literate to formally certify as Carbon Literate with the Carbon Literacy Trust

  • Understand the sustainable marketing landscape – aligning application of technical marketing and communication skills, providing a more responsible lens and operating framework

  • Broader understanding of Carbon Literacy and urgency for innovations such as circular / regenerative

  • Learning from others via practical, relatable, relevant examples and best practice around innovation, collaboration, partnerships and problem solving – using their skills as a force for good

  • Access resources, ideas and case studies to drive Carbon Literacy certification and to better understand the changing business landscape, aligning commercial performance and targets to support growth and development within the marketing and communications profession

“ I found the course very insightful and informative and widened my repertoire in understanding different perspectives of Carbon Literacy and awareness of daily actions in reaching zero carbon. I strongly recommend this course.”

“Gemma & Michelle did a fantastic job at teaching the carbon literacy course; through engaging content and peer to peer discussions alongside challenges throughout which made the course more immersive. I personally loved the marketing lens which they applied to the course, as it was great to learn more from experts in the field. I would highly recommend this course to anyone in the marketing and advertising landscape to understand how our work influences citizens, communities, and the natural world and how we can take positive actions moving forwards!”

What this course covers…

This course provides knowledge to marketers and business owners / professionals whether they are getting started on their sustainability journey or looking to progress and further develop their sustainable agendas. Exploring and gaining an understanding of the sustainable landscape, the role of marketing and how to take the lead in driving sustainable marketing practice – considering purpose, strategy and communications.

Who is this course for…

This course is designed for business owners and marketers across a broad range of roles from brand managers and digital marketers, through to content marketers and communication specialists. Individuals with a passion for all things sustainable who are keen to take the lead and build the business case for how their organisation responds to the growing sustainability challenges with the objective of driving meaningful change.

This course can delivered on-site, for in-house teams, across multiple functions or virtually via Zoom.

About the Carbon Literacy Certification

  • On completion of this training, you will have 2 weeks from the end of the training to submit your Evidence Form.

  • Your ‘Action’ assignments (referred to as ‘Evidence forms’ - are then independently assessed by the Carbon Literacy Trust (CLT). And upon being successful you will receive certification by them confirming that you are Carbon Literate.

  • Certification fee will be included in your course training fees. This covers review, assessment and certification.

  • Your ‘action’ assignment / Evidence Form covers 2 areas:

  1. Carbon Literacy comprehension, Individual Action and Group Action: What significant new carbon reduction action are you committing to as an individual, within your personal control, aligned with your professional role as a result of Carbon Literacy training? This will normally be in the context (workplace, place of education, or community).

  2. As a result of your Carbon Literacy training, what significant, new carbon reduction action are you committing to undertake, involving a wider group of people? Again, aligned with your professional role.

Your CLT assignment evidence form will be shared with you during your training together with a Sample Evidence form supplied for reference.  Important: The intention is that through your 8 hr training, you will be building evidence and nailing down actions for your assignment, so certification is very seamless and integrated.

You will submit your assignments back to michelle@canmarketingsavetheplanet.com – and and the Can Marketing Save the Planet team will manage the submission process for you. Given logistics, we request that all submissions are made by the submission deadline – which will be made clear during the training. To be clear, if you miss the submission deadline and the Evidence Form is submitted more than 2 months after completion of training, the Carbon Literacy Project will require supplementary written evidence.

An Example Evidence Form can be seen here. This is purely an example to provide context. And the formal Carbon Literacy Evidence Form for you to complete can be found here.

Pre Work Requirements

Given that the Carbon Literacy for Marketers Training Course and Certification requires a mandatory 8 hours of training, there will be some ‘pre-work’ which all delegates must complete prior to the formal training session. The Pre Work includes watching some videos, exploring a Carbon Map and considering some questions and viewpoints - viewpoints which will be discussed during the formal training session.